Build Your List Fast That Ever
Viral Marketing: Start Viral Marketing Campaigns Using E-books
Learn to build your list fast that ever from this simple internet marketing blog. To be able to fully tap into the potential of building list in a social networking website you must first understand what it is and how powerful it is. A lot of people are now referring to social web sites. They are internet based communities of people with the same interests and ideologies. Such web sites have so many followers that today; web 2.0 might be the fastest way of getting any kind of news to reach the highest number of internet users. Yes, more powerful than news reporting web sites. Imagine how much influence on the people opinions and desires such a web site has! Social networking websites can have as many as twenty million visitors at any given time of the day and on any day. You cannot even begin to fathom how much even a fraction of such a web sites following can change the traffic coming to your site.
Viral Marketing sounds like something bad but it is actually something very good. It is, also, a powerful way to generate traffic to your website.
Viral Marketing sounds like something bad but it is actually something very good. It is also a powerful way to generate traffic to your website.
Think about how a virus spreads from on person to another. One person gets sick and just by sneezing they can give the virus to many more people… those people get sick and share their germs with everyone they know and the next thing anybody knows is that there is an epidemic. That is the very concept of viral marketing. The idea is to get everyone to spread your marketing message around because they want to.
Now let’s look at using an E-book to start your viral marketing campaign. First you create an E-book a really good one that has links to your website, to your sales page and affiliate links to products and services that you recommend… and you give it to three people. In the book you encourage those three people to give it to their friends and family.
Before you know it the E-book is spreading across the Internet like wild fire. Digital information duplicates easily and quickly so before you know it, thousands of people could be reading your free E-book.
Make certain that you let people know that they have permission to forward the E-book around the Internet. When you create the E-book, you have the right to give people certain rights. One of those rights could be that you allow them to give the book to other people. Make it clear that this book is free to give away.
5 Deadly Viral Ebook Marketing Mistakes
Creating a viral ebook marketing campaign can be one of the easiest and most effective ways to promote your product or website.
Before you begin writing your viral ebook, you need to know the 5 most common mistakes that can cost you time and potential income.
1) Never Link Directly to Content You Do Not Control
You should always use redirect links placed on your own server instead of direct links to affiliate programs.
You never know when the program you are promoting will change the way its affiliate links work or go out of
business. Using redirect links allows you to quickly replace the affiliate links with the new version or redirect to a similar product.
I can not stress enough how important this step is to you. Once you launch your viral ebook, you can not get it back to make changes to it. Using redirect links will prevent dead links and lost profit.
2) Avoid Using Dated Information By Providing Too Specific Details.
Do not talk about free trials or time specific discounts.The affiliate program you are promoting my not always be offering the trials or discounts. You will anger your readers if they can not get the bargains you promised.
3) Never Include Information You Do Not Want All Over The World.
Because of the viral nature of your ebook, it will eventually spread to every corner of the world. If you include personal information like your home phone or your cell phone number, you may be unpleasantly awakened at all hours of the night. It is best to provide only an email address or autoresponder for the initial contact.
4) Do Not Brand The Ebook Yourself
Putting yourself in the position of having to manually brand and send each copy of the ebook is a sure way to
turn your campaign into NIGHTMARE.
You may be thinking, "What's the BIG DEAL?"
Let imagine for a moment that your ebook starts out slowly and only 10 people request a branded version the first week. It takes you about 6 minutes per ebook to brand it and send it to the user. You have just given up an hour of your life.
The solution is to give your carriers the ability and instructions to rebrand the ebooks themselves. This will
take you out of the loop and allow your virus to grow exponentially unattended.
5) Do Not Forget To Launch A New Window For External Links
When linking to any information not found directly in your ebook article submission, you should always open a new window. Many sales processes use javascript that could cause compatibly problems if viewed within your ebook.
It would be terrible if a viewer where ready to buy a product based on your recommendation but was unable to because you failed to include this simple step.
Avoiding these 5 simple viral ebook marketing mistakes will greatly increase the profitability of your campaign while avoiding the pitfalls.
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