Jumat, 29 September 2017

On Learning Forex Trading: Start It Right

Newbies can relate to this...

You are seeing many tips and lessons in the internet on how to trade from different veterans and mentors. You have tried many of them but failed. So most of the newbie traders have thought that the internet is full of pretenders, fraudsters, and charlatans. So they would hate every Forex mentors they have seen online because they think they are fakes. Hold your horses. It may not always true. I think many of these Forex mentors have no intention to trick you. I think they are only guilty of one thing... They made you drive a BIG TRUCK right away... What⁉️⁉️

Forex Trading Is Like Driving

Learning how to trade is like learning how to drive. If you don't know yet how to drive, you can not expect to learn driving with a big truck. You will feel overwhelmed and may not learn it. Even if you do, the whole learning process is very hard, a very terrible experience. To avoid this bad experience, start it right. Start with a small car. It's the most easy and convenient way to start. You have to feel first how driving is. The learning curve will be shorter. The same with Forex trading. You should start small. While learning how to trade, you have to have a good feel of the market price movement first. To achieve that you have to start trading with a demo account right away, not to profit right away, but to feel the movement of the price. Immerse yourself to grasp the feeling. Absorb the idea that it's not just ups and downs, not just ranging and trending, and it's random, very difficult to predict the future price. Baby steps. You don't have to learn everything all at once. Learn one at a time. Learn while you are doing it. Just know where to get any information in case you come across a situation that you need help to learn something. Start learning using any customized tools that you come across with. Remember you don't have to master how each tool works. You just need to feel the experience of the market. Having a real feeling about the market can make you use any tool and indicator at your advantage. Any strategy taught to you, you've got a big chance to achieve success.

Enjoy the weekend :)

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