Earn Money Without A List
Why Solo Ads Are An Effective Method Of Earn Money
This solo ads blog outline about earn money without a list from forex friend loan. How many times have you... heard that running solo ads in ezines is the most effective way to advertise? Every single marketer swears that solo ads can bring you big profits.
There is arguable no better way to generate leads and new business that by using ezine advertising. Amazingly, ezine advertising is one of the least developed online advertising tools on the internet today. An ezine is an online newsletter that sells advertising space just like a print magazine would. The beauty of ezine advertising is that you contact the audience directly without having to build your own lists.
An ezine solo ad or “solo ad” is a standalone email that ezine administrators send to their subscribe base. These solo ads are the most effective method of getting your message in front of new subscribers without any distractions.
Here’s how solo ads work…
If you have a website, or a business, or a phone number that you can use solo ads to promote your business, your product, or yourself. Solo ads are standalone advertisements, meaning your message goes out alone without any others attached. To purchase solo ads you need to contact online newsletters (ezines) and ask what they charge for a standalone solo ad.
Benefits that come from using solo ads…
When compared with other online advertising methods, ezine solo ads are a very cost effective method of reaching a lot of people. A further benefit is your ability as the advertiser to find ezines that are targeted to your specific niche. When using this form of advertising you are in effect “borrowing” the ezines list of subscribers by getting your message directly to their inboxes.
How to get the most from a solo ad campaign…
You will get the most results from your advertising campaigns if you successfully target a list of subscribers that are directly related to what you are selling. If your list targeting does not match what you are selling then you are not using your advertising dollars effectively and your campaign results will not be cost effective.
When you have your solo ad sent make sure you are providing value to the recipients. If you provide good content or value to the person receiving your emails they will be more likely to provide you with their contact information (lead generation) or purchasing your products (direct sales).
It is also important to track your results by monitoring how many clicks, leads, or sales each of your solo ad campaigns are generating. This will help you monitor your results and better choose follow up campaigns and targeting.
Well, I've been placing solo ads in various marketing ezines for 6 months now. And I have to agree: solo ads work... if you know HOW to use them.
How to write effective solo ad and I've learned the hard way. I've lost $300.00 in my first two months. Now, here is the good news: you don't have to waste your time trying to figure out how to create a good solo ad.
I've done it for you.
Earn Money With Solo Ads Without A List
By following these 8 earn money with solo ads without a list tips you'll be able to create solo ads that produce incredible results.
1. Choose The Ezine You Want To Advertise In Very Carefully.
Don't only consider ezine size. The truth is that smaller ezines produce better results than ezines with large subscriber base. I always prefer to run my solo ad in ezine with 8,000 subscribers than in ezine with 100,000. Not because it's cheaper, but because small lists are usually more responsive.
Before buying the ad in any ezine read a couple of issues. Does it provide readers with quality content? Does it shows the personality of its editor? Would you subscribe to that ezine?
Advertising in poor quality ezines is a waste of money. No one is reading them anyway.
2. Find A Quality Solo Ads Provider Who Knows How To Make Money With Solo Ads
The first thing you need to do is to find a quality solo ads provider. While this may cost a moderate amount of time and capital upfront, it pales in comparison to the thousands of dollars you would have to spend to build your own list. When it comes to finding quality solo ads providers, you can search for solo ads related groups on Facebook as well as a few marketing based forums.
3. Let The Solo Ads Provider Know Your Intentions
The next thing you want to do, is to let the provider know that you intend to give him more customers, by selling his service as your own. This is what is known as arbitrage.
4. Get The Readers Attention With The Headline.
It is very important to make sure that you can add your headline in a subject line of solo ad. If the subject line reads "Our Ezine Solo Ad" most of subscribers won't open it. You have to add your *attention grabbing* subject line.
Headlines like "Check this out" or "Here is my new product" won't work.
Get their attention! Spark the desire to learn more! Give them a *reason* to open your email.
5. Don't Sell Anything In Your Ad.
Yep, you've read it right. Do not sell anything in your ad. Your main goal there is not to create a sale, but to create a lead, create a prospect who will buy from you later.
Would you prefer to generate 3-5 sales or to get 300-500 prospects ready to buy from you?
Offer free trial, free report, free ebook, free ecourse. Give away something valuable first. Create a prospect list. Establish relationships. And then *suggest* your product. Using this simple technique I achieved 10-15% conversion rate with my ecourse.
6. Make Your Ad Easy To Read.
Readers usually scan the message. They are busy, they don't have time to read your ad in complete details. It is your job to make it as easy for them as possible to scan it.
Use a short paragraphs. Use short sentences. Like this.
Use simple words. Don't forget that subheadlines work great. As well as bullets. Often subheadlines and bullet list is all that people read.
7. Tell The Benefits.
If you offer something for free that doesn't mean that all the readers will jump into your offer automatically. You have to "sell" your free stuff too.
Tell me why should I bother and subscribe to your ecourse? What's there for me? Will I improve my life? Business?
Write down the complete list of benefits. Then make every benefit as powerful as you can. Use a power words. Give details.
And then put all your benefits into a bullet list. You're almost ready!
8. Create Sense Of Urgency.
Make the readers act now. Tell them that tomorrow will be too late. Cause you've got just 50 free copies. Or they will be available only till midnight.
Give them a reason to act now. Explain why there is no time to procrastinate. Create a fear of loosing, create a sense of limited availability. That always works great.
Now you know everything you need to create a killer solo ad that pulls amazing results. All you have to do is to put it into practice.
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