Apart from unserious callers who ask for sustenance or pecuniary succor, there is no need to not pick calls from customers.
Apart from online chats, and email, telephone conversation is one of the most effective ways to communicate with an exchanger.
However, certain exchangers who have several phone numbers, won’t pick your calls. You can call 100 times if you want, but no-one will pick it.
There are many reasons for this:
The fact that an exchanger’s office is busy is no excuse. That’s why you need staff to keep tabs on phone calls.
There are scam exchangers online – and some of them are very popular indeed. They scam people who lick their wounds, but they usually get new victims by advert campaigns and by using unreasonable prices, like buying at very high rates and selling at very low rates.
That’s what customers want – low rates for buying and high rates for selling. It’s when they send funds to the exchangers, that they realize they’re already in trouble. They may even face some hidden charges.
When customers have been duped… or treated unfairly, then exchangers will not pick their calls again. Their number may even stop going eventually.
Some exchangers promise fast processing, which is often a lie. It’s bad to over-promise and under-deliver. Try to under-promise and over-deliver. When you promise instant processing, like within 5 minutes, and you delay your customers for 24 hours or several days or one month, then you’ve over-promised and under-delivered.
I can promise to pay a customer within 20 minutes and do so within 5 minutes. That’s under-promising and over-delivering.
Promising 5 minutes payment is not realistic. Run away from any exchangers who promise that; for many factors may make that impossible.
There may be network problems. The exchangers may not be on seat. It may take longer to confirm your orders. Some protocols may need to be followed before processing is done. In reality 5 minutes payment is a fallacy, unless sometimes, when it’s fully automated (which is illogical).
It’s more realistic to ask a customer to wait for a certain amount of time of period, and if they cannot wait, they can go to where they would learn bitter lessons.
When you promise instant processing and you delay the customers, they will start calling you, and that’s why exchangers don’t pick their calls again.
When customers are betrayed, cheated, swindled and treated like dogs, they keep on calling and calling and calling; and the exchanger will keep on ignoring the calls.
Even when a neutral customer calls, who want to do a sizable amount of transaction, the exchanger will think it’s the same disgruntled customer and avoid the calls altogether.
Beware of exchangers who don’t pick your calls. Beware of exchangers who use fake addresses (like using a foreign address, when they’re in fact located in Nigeria) or no addresses.
As for us, we answer all calls. We even call back when we see missed calls… Unless it’s obvious flashes. When we have issues with a customer, like a payment that hangs due to a network error, we keep the customer in the loop until the issue is resolved.
Trading realities: Trading realities
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