Jumat, 25 Agustus 2017

News Alert for Fundamental Traders

If you are a fundamental trader, this google feature may be an additional tool that you can use to add confidence to your trades, Google Alerts. This tool can send information about the currency pairs that you want to track directly to your e-mail.  It is very easy to use. In your browser, just type the following alert site url.


As in the screenshot below, enter the keyword you want to track, e.g. "EURUSD". Fill-out the other fields depending on your needs. The two important fields, should be filled out like the following...

How often: As-it-happens
Deliver to: (indicate your email address)

Then click the "Create Alert" button. As soon as you click that button, google will send an email to you once an information about your keyword is gathered by its crawler. With this tool, you may discover some news related to your currency pair and it is delivered right into your inbox.

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