Jumat, 25 Agustus 2017

To Use Or Not To Use Stop-Loss

This has been dabateable since the beginning of Forex Trading.

Some traders say that not putting an SL is a suicide and some say that putting an SL, either visible or mental SL, is more dangerous to your fund. 

Why traders have different point of views on this? This is actually because it depends on the experience of the traders and therefore also depends on the kind of strategy that they have been using. Most likely some traders had a bad experience for not using SL that's why they are saying not using one is a no-no. On the other hand, some traders had a bad experience in using SL so they promised themselves not to use it anymore.

Another reason for this, maybe some traders became successful (short-term or long-term) on not using SL. Of course, this is debatable again to some traders. They would say that success will not last for a long time. But if you haven't experienced what the successful non-SL traders have experienced, you are not in the position to tell that what they are doing is not proper. They know a trick that you don't know.

On the other side, to those who are in dispute to those who are using SL. If they are successful, it means they know something that you don't know on how to use SL.

Opinions of traders are limited and based on what they already know and what they think they already know (There'a a difference actually hehe). It is also limited to what they have experienced.

So next time you heard a strategy from another trader and you think there's something wrong to what he is doing, do not be quick on judging, bashing, harsh comments, etc. "Respect" is the first keyword that should be in your mind. Respect on others' strategies may lead you to learn new tricks that you never thought possible. Respect promotes collaboration. Collaboration delivers quick success. 

PS - On trading with or without SL, both are equally risky if you don't know what you are doing.

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