Selasa, 12 Desember 2017

The Turtle Dove: The Path Of The Flock

The Turtle Doves: RepaPips 

"RepaPips" are the members of the FXFledgling Apprentice Program. That's what they decided to call themselves. RepaPips are the young turtle doves of Forex Trading that have just developed their flight feathers. In April 21, 2018, the RepaPips will be flocking at the TRADERS FAIR in Makati Shangrila, the GRAND EYEBALL. They will prove that it no longer takes years to be a consistently profitable trader. It only takes a genuine no-doubt decision to be disciplined and brave to follow the path of the flock. Everyone is invited to join so you can ask questions and discover how they did it. 

How to join 

Sign up for FREE at the TRADERs FAIR here...

FXFledgling is an FB Forex Study Group that genuinely aims to help traders to shorten the learning curve in Forex Trading. We are not in a business of selling any service or product. The training and trading tools are FREE. You can join us here...

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